Where has our PASSION gone?
Are we, am I, passionate about reading the Bible, studying God's word, spreading the Good News, and being His hands and feet?
The very first time that I saw the video below, I unashamedly cried.
Where has my passion gone? Why I am I not that excited to dive in God's word everyday?! Shouldn't it be that way?
This morning, a guest speaker at church said a few things that hit the nail on the head. "Stop pretending! We have become too comfortable as Christians...I have done my duty...I have punched my time clock..." There is nothing wrong with doing God's work, but where did our excitement and passion for God go to? I honestly believe that we do what is easiest. I do what is easiest and safest.
When did I (we) lose the abandon all for Christ?
Have you ever been so passionate for something that it consumes your thoughts and actions. What if we as Christians, were so passionate about the Bible and sharing God's word? What if we got out of our comfort zones and did something instead of waiting for someone else to do it?
"How precious are your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of
them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the
sand; When I awake, I am still with you."
Psalm 139:17-18