Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong!
Yes! Jesus loves me!
Yes! Jesus loves me!
Yes! Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so!
Jesus loves me, He who died
Heavens gates to open wide
He will wash away my sin
Let His little child come in.
Jesus loves me, He will stay
Close beside me all the way
Thou hast bled and died for me
I will henceforth live for Thee!
Such simple words with a sweet melody! Easy to remember and loved by those who are both young and old. This song became very special to me a couple weeks ago. I was helping a team with a Vacation Bible School. Upon arriving at the location, there were kids already waiting for us under the big tent. Immediately, I noticed a young girl about age 10 looking for someone. Her eyes wandered over every person getting off the bus and then she saw me. As soon as she saw me, it was instant recognition. When I saw her eyes light up and locked on to me, I did not know what to do. (Did I know her? How did she know me?) She came running towards me, gave me the biggest hug and said, "Hi, Best Friend!" So I said, "Hello?" She stood staring at me with huge brown eyes, I asked for her name and introduced myself. (For her sake, I will only give nicknames). Her name was Chunky. She was not chunky at all, but I suppose she was when she was little.
After our introduction, she sprinted off down the street. I was really disappointed. Why would she run to me, give me a hug, and then run away? I walked around talking with the other kids, but was still pondering why she would leave. I then looked up and see her coming, carrying a little girl. Chunky walked right up to me, handed me the little girl, and told me that the little girl's name was Pinkie. I asked why her nickname was Pinkie, and she said that when Pinkie was born, she was pink, so the name stuck. Now, Pinkie was different from her sister. She was about 2 years old and she would not smile for anything or show any emotion on her face. All I received was a blank stare and the only time I received any type of emotional response was when I tried to put her down, she would lift her arms back up and want me to hold her. So that's what I did. I held her and followed her sister around that first day.
The second day, Chunky found me again, gave me a big hug and handed me Pinkie. I realized that these were going to be my girls for the week. I determined that Pinkie was going to smile that week. I wanted to see her as a happy child. Pinkie was stuck in my arms that whole second day and while in my arms I would hum "Jesus Loves Me" and tell her that I loved her. The team also sang "Jesus Loves Me" everyday. At the end of the second day, I got a small smile from her!
The third day, Pinkie and Chunky were walking hand in hand. Pinkie ran right to me with a smile on her face. I was praising the Lord! Finally, breaking through to this precious child! We blew bubbles together and she had a full belly laugh going, but anytime another member from the team would try to get her to smile, it was like she went back into her shell, and you would see no emotion on her face. Also on this day, Pinkie was sitting in my lap coloring her Bible story page, when suddenly I felt a warm sensation. Pinkie had wet through her diaper and all over my skirt. I picked her up and Chunky said she would bring her home and back to VBS once Pinkie's clothes were changed.
The fourth day, I could see a change in Chunky and Pinkie. Both were happy and Chunky was telling me she loved Jesus. Pinkie, even though she was smiling and laughing, had not spoke any words. Just like the previous day, Pinkie was sitting in my lap, when all of a sudden a felt a flood of liquid. I picked her up and sure enough she had did it again except for this time no diaper, which is what contributed to the flood. This time, I decided to bring her home myself. I walked Pinkie home, and waited for her to get into some clean clothes. She then walked back to VBS with me.
The final day, Chunky and Pinkie greeted me with smiles and hugs. I was not ready to let them go. This was our last day together and I was praying for the Lord to work in their lives. Since the previous two days resulted in me getting wet, I kept track of time and promptly brought Pinkie home to use the bathroom before a wet accident happened again. On our way back to VBS, they had begun singing songs. I sat down with Pinkie and Chunky was right next to me. When the youth started singing "Jesus Loves Me" I sang along as always. While singing, I realized that something was different. Pinkie was singing along. This little girl, who said no words at all in the past five days, was singing "Jesus Loves Me." I gave her a big hug and told her that yes, Jesus does love you!! I was so happy I started to cry. Chunky looked at me funny, but I just smiled.
I know that Pinkie is too little to comprehend Jesus dying on the cross to save her, but hopefully she understood that Jesus loves her. If she does not remember anything else, I truly believe that she will always know the song "Jesus Loves Me" and I pray that one day she will come to know Him as her personal Savior. The hardest part about being here in Trinidad, is leaving behind the children and people that I have come to love. I may never see them again in this lifetime. But God has given me a hope that one day, I will hope to see them again in Heaven, praising our Lord and Savior!
Yes! Jesus loves me!
Yes! Jesus loves me!
Yes! Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so!
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All of us together! (You see no emotion on Pinkie's face, because that was her typical face to other people). |
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Chunky showing me her art work. |
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Pinkie smiling! |
Great experience....