I have decided....
To follow Jesus
To pursue Him
To go where He leads me
To keep a blog so that friends and family can stay updated because...
I have decided...
To go to China.
Yes, I have decided to do all those things, not in my power, but in His alone. For some of you reading this, you are not surprised. Some of you may be thinking that I am crazy moving across the world. Yet, when I think about it, I think peace. I think a divine intervention. If you would have asked me a couple months ago if China was a possibility, I would probably have laughed and said "Yeah right!" But the best part about it is; is that God knew. He knew that I would have this opportunity. He has provided so far and said "Go. Trust ME and go."
To let you all know how the Lord provided in this way...here is the story.
Back in January, my good friend and teammate Caroline and I were talking about teaching overseas. (This is something that I have always wanted to do: I can incorporate my love for teaching and my love for reaching people for Christ, all in one!) I was clueless as to where to start even pursuing a position overseas. Caroline mentioned missionteach.com. She heard of it through her church and a woman who found a position with missionteach. So...why not? I went to the website and decided to upload information about me along with my resume. I told myself..."Oh, nothing will probably come from this." Yet, a few days later I received a phone call from Wycliffe Bible Ministries and an email from a school in China. I enjoyed talking with Wycliffe, but did not feel like that was where the Lord wanted me to be. Wycliffe is a support-based ministry. I have student loans that need to be paid and I did not feel like I should be asking for yearly support until I paid them off. Now, as Wycliffe said, the Lord will provide no matter your situation. "Ok, yes, I understand, but no. I don't want to burden others with my debt in student loans."
Now going to the school in China, ZKIS. I received an email from the Principal. He said he found my information on missionteach.com and he needed a PE teacher for August 2012. If I was interested, I was told to contact him. "Why not? Sure!" So I contacted him. I interviewed with the principal and asked questions about the school and students over skype in February. The Principal made sure that I understood not to pursue this job completely until I was sure that I wanted to teach overseas, specifically at his school. I then committed to a lot of prayer. "Lord, is China where You want me? How can I best serve You? If it is in the states, please, make it clear. If in China, show me, make it clear." And show me He did.
I did not contact this principal again until March. I cannot explain except that while I was receiving emails, phone calls, and applications from other organizations and school around the world, I knew that I needed to pursue this school in China. God gave me this opportunity. If I do not pursue it to the end, then how will I ever know if I was supposed to go? So pursue it I did, while continuing in much prayer, I sent the principal an email, asking about the position. "Is the position still available?" He immediately replied back and said yes. He had kept me in mind and was also talking with one other person for the position. "Wow! The position is still available!" I was excited...I was seeing a possibility. "Alright, Lord. I will pursue this opportunity. You put it in front of me, it is my job to go for it."
A couple days later I received an email from the Assistant Principal. (He is going to become the Principal in July, because the current principal and his wife are retiring due to China rules.) He said he would like to set up an interview that week. We set the time for Thursday, April 12th, 8:30pm my time. "Oh my goodness!!! I have another interview! This is really exciting Lord! Well, it probably won't work out...oh well, still, I have an interview with China!!!" Those were my exact thoughts.
April 12th, 8:30pm. The assistant principal (AP) came on skype. "Oh no, what if I mess up? What if? What if? What if?" I dressed appropriately for the interview. I knew that the AP would probably not see the outfit, but this was professional. "This is a job interview, I am going to treat it like I am in China, in person." The AP called and I answered. He definitely knew how to make me feel comfortable and relaxed during the interview. We talked back and forth and then he started asking concept questions. "How would you teach in this situation? What if you had a child who knew no English? How do you teach? Give an example of a basketball lesson. What grades do you like to teach? Do you have a preference? etc." I answered all of those questions to the best of my ability and I felt really good about answering and talking with him. After all those questions, the AP ended his questions by saying that he thought I would be a great fit for their school and that I seemed like a genuine person. "That's was nice of him to say." I then proceeded to ask what he likes best about working at that particular school. He sold me on his answer. "The best part is working with a community of believers. Coming together for one purpose and serving Him together. Secondly, working with the students. They want to learn. There is no such thing as dreading Monday morning."
I was sold on serving the Lord together with one purpose. I was thinking to myself, "Yes, I can see myself there. I would love to be part of that community." The interview ended and he said he would let me know what he decided, probably within the next two weeks. "Alright. Two weeks. Ok, Lord. I pursued the opportunity. Now it is a waiting game."
I stayed up late that night watching "War Horse." So, before bed, I decided to check my email. Low and behold, just 5 hours later, I had an email from the AP.
It said:
"I spoke to the Principal after our conversation this morning and we would both be delighted if you could join our teaching team this summer. As I said yesterday, your personality, ideas and training will be a great asset to our ever growing school and I am very confident that you can make a valuable contribution to our school's future.
Every Blessing,"
"Oh my goodness!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!! What?! This can't be happening." I closed my computer...opened it back up...."No way!!!! I must be dreaming!" Nope, I wasn't dreaming. ZKIS offered me the position. "Oh no....what do I tell my parents?" I had not told them about pursuing this position with China because I never thought it would work out. I had a few friends who knew and were praying with me, but I honestly thought it would not happen. Our plans are not God's plans! I accepted the position the next Monday morning. I had a peace. "Yes, Lord. I will follow. Lead me."
That is how I have come to the decision about China. As I write this, I can't help but still be in awe of how He works. Who knew?
I have the position in China. Now it is up to the Chinese government. Will they let me in? I don't know. If the government says no, then I can't go, but still, I can't help but know that no matter what happens, God is in control. If He wants me there, it will be made possible. Please pray with me as I continue in prayer that the Chinese government would grant me access to their country.
I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus,
No turning back, no turning back.
Wherever He leads I'll go,
Wherever He leads I'll go,
I'll follow my Christ who loves me so,
Wherever He leads I'll go.
ReplyDeleteGod is GREAT! and so are you. May God bless you on this wonderful adventure He is taking you on!
Thank you so much Dr. Ware! God is AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteThis is such exciting news! What an encouragement to read how the Lord is leading you to China. I know you're happy to be in the Lord's plan and will continue to follow Him anywhere, no turning back :) Praying for you, friend!
Thank you Hannah! I am so very excited and can't wait to see how the Lord will lead me!
DeleteYou have been a huge encouragement and example for me to see how you are allowing the Lord to lead and guide you in His ways!