It truly "blows my mind" how the Lord answers prayer, even the prayers that we may not specifically pray for. These past couple weeks, since accepting this position, I have been overwhelmed by the fact that I will not see friends and family for a long time some I may not even see 2 years from now. Two years seems like an awful, long time. I am not anxious or nervous because of this fact. I am sad, yet hopeful. That is the only way I can explain my emotions. The Lord is preparing me even now, by helping me realize and "come to terms" with the fact of not seeing family and friends. (Thankfully, there is such a thing as skype!)
Sunday, I had the opportunity to talk with my Aunt and Uncle, who are missionaries in Belgium. They were very encouraging and knew exactly my worries and concerns for moving all the way across the world. My Aunt and Uncle asked if I knew anyone else who was teaching at the school. "Well, no I don't. The only people that I have talked too have been the Principal and Assistant Principal." After our conversation, I knew that I needed a friend.
I forgot to look into "finding a friend" later that afternoon. I did not even ask the Lord's opinion in this matter either. Yet, that evening I had an email from a woman, my age, asking if I would be teaching at ZKIS and if so could we email and/or skype. My mind was "blown." "Wow, knew my desire to have a friend, specifically another woman, whom I could talk to. I never even asked and I am sorry for not asking. Thank you for this special, unexpected blessing!"
What do I expect from the Lord? Do I not realize that He cares for me and wants to bless me in ways that "blow my mind"?
There are 3 things that I have learned, so far, during this time of preparation:
1) I have come to realize that God loves us beyond what we could ever expect. Why then would I ever let that love go? God wants to love us! Why not accept that love and lay down your life at His feet? I am made to serve and love those who God created!
2) Trust God! Pray! Know that He understands. It sounds so simple. There are days that I am so overwhelmed by how much God knows us. I know you are probably thinking" created you. You should know that by now." Yet, are you not overwhelmed at times by how much God cares for us and desires the best for us in our lives here on earth? "I know, I am." I am so overcome that I want others to know and come to be overwhelmed by these same thoughts. My desire is to love Him in the same way that He knows and loves us.
3) There is no greater blessing than to know that I am surrounded by believers who love me and care for me.
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded
by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the
sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our
faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of
God." Hebrews 12:1
There is a song that I remember singing as I was growing up. Mom and I would sing this together. It is by Patch the Pirate a.k.a. Ron Hamilton. Jesus knows, longs, and loves us so much. His love has washed away our sins and He, the righteous, holy, and faithful One, will always stand by us.
Jesus knows my every word and deed
Jesus longs to meet my deepest need
He lives now to intercede
He will surely stand by me.
My God is a righteous God
My God is a holy God
My God is a faithful God
He will surely stand by me.
Jesus’ love has drawn my heart to Him
Jesus’ love has washed away my sin
His word makes me pure within
He will surely stand by me.
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