Thursday, July 28, 2016

Moving West

As some of you may or may not know, I have moved back to my home state of Nebraska. A lot of prayer went into the move and I truly believe that this is where God wants me right now. Moving to Nebraska meant being closer to home. Although "closer" is still actually 8 hours from home. Who knew that Nebraska was so big?! (The red dot is where I am located and my family is just north of Omaha.)

My new little town is called Harrison, actually the Village of Harrison. It boasts 251 252. Everyone knows everyone and everything here. I can walk or ride a bike to school, the post office, bank, etc. because there is no need to drive with things so close. The nearest grocery store is about 30 miles away; nearest Walmart is 50+ miles. So far in the one week that I have lived here, I have hit two birds and one rattlesnake. I have seen antelope, buffalo, coyotes, deer, and of course horses and lots of cattle. The landscape out here is so different from anywhere that I have ever been. Huge open fields, buttes, sandhills, and the biggest sky ever! Who knew the sky was so big? It reminded me of the following verses from Job.

"Also with moisture He saturates the thick clouds; 
He scatters His bright clouds.  
And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance, 
That they may do whatever He commands them
On the face of the whole earth.
He causes it to come,
Whether for correction,
Or for His land,
Or for mercy.
Listen to this, O Job;
Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.
Do you know when God dispatches them,
And causes the light of His cloud to shine?
Do you know how the clouds are balanced,
Those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?"
Job 37:11-16

I can be driving in the car to a town and not pass anyone for at least 10 minutes. The average time between seeing cars (yes, my dad and I timed it) is about 1.5 minutes. Listening to the radio, "Today's modern music" the first thing that came on was "Chariots of Fire".....I suppose that is pretty modern for out here.
Oh yes, and don't forget that you may see cattle walking along the road, outside of the fence. You may even be stopped by policemen so that cattle can cross the road....yes this did actually happen.
Life has become a total change of pace, as you have read above.  Life is a much slower pace here in Harrison. God knew exactly what I needed in a new place, not what I had wanted or expected. I look forward to teaching and coaching in this small town and am grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord in this way. 

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, 
to those who are the called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28